The number was 635 out of a Spanish total of 3,970, which itself represented a 13% rise.
Behind the Balearics came Barcelona with 485, Madrid (288), Gerona (254), Malaga (247) and Alicante (243). These figures, all showing upward trends, confirm that growth in Spain’s yachting industry is in line with international markets and the expansion of the national economy. May, June and July were the months with the greatest growth nationally - up 17.6% compared with 2014.
According to the association for nautical businesses, there have been two consecutive seasons of moderately positive figures for Spain’s nautical sector, with consumer behaviour having changed substantially. Registrations last year were also up: by 13%.
The greatest demand is still for smaller boats to eight metres in length.
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Hi, Just proves what anyone with a pea size brain could have told the government for years. Now lets get rid of those polluting cruise ships which bring few people ashore who spend nothing. They are all inclusive and are only here to serve a few politically connected Spanish supply companies. Why not fill Palma with 50 super yachts which spend €10-20 million each ( 50 x 10 = €500 million for those politicians who do not do maths). But no one listens. No lets introduce a tourist tax and see how many tourists we can get rid of.....