Son Servera

Opposition to plan to close Son Servera town centre

The system of pylons could be reactivated after four years. | M. NADAL


The decision of the town hall to close the centre of Son Servera to traffic on certain days and at certain times has run into opposition from residents and businesses. They consider that the decision will be damaging and have asked for alternatives to be looked at.

A total of 16 businesses have lodged their views about the project to re-introduce retractable pylons, while more than a hundred objections have been registered with the town hall. Further opposition measures may follow, such as the raising of a petition and attending the next council meeting.

The town hall, meanwhile, launched an online survey via its website, and 70% of respondents were in favour of the closure of Plaça Sant Joan, as this is considered to be beneficial in giving a boost to the town centre and in increasing pedestrian safety. Given the competing views, the town hall is seeking a solution that can satisfy the most local people.