
Calvia asks for marine reserves to be increased

Boats near to the Malgrat islands. | A. SEPULVEDA


Calvia’s mayor, Alfonso Rodríguez, has formally asked the regional ministry for the environment and fisheries to widen the marine reserves of the islands of El Toro and Malgrats.

The town hall’s wish is to unite the two reserves and to extend the area of protection beyond the point of Cala Figuera, thus “allowing the regeneration of species in these areas.”

The mayor says that the increased size of the reserves would achieve two things: one would be the care of the marine flora and fauna and the other would be to create tourist activity, within reason, for visitors who come in the mid to low seasons.

So that the request to the government will have the greatest support possible, a motion will be presented at the next council meeting calling on the minister, Vicenç Vidal, to extend and unite the two reserves. Further explanations of all this are due to be given during a press briefing on Monday by the deputy mayor for tourism and urban planning, Antonio García, and the director-general for planning and the environment, Jaume Carbonero, when they will also be outlining the administration’s proposal to revise Calvia’s general plan for urban organisation (PGOU).