Last year at the church's Songs of Praise. | Howard Mullen


St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Puerto Pollensa will be holding its annual Summer Songs of Praise tomorrow afternoon (Sunday, 20 September) at 6pm on the beach by Bar Tamarells (the beach by the road to the Pollensa Park).
This year, the Service has been planned and organised by Vicky Pacey, the church’s Lay Reader in training, and members of the congregation have chosen a good and varied selection of hymns and songs, old and new. Some of them will be explaining why the hymn is important to them, and it’s always fascinating to hear what folk have to say, as it may be the words of the music or associated memories of singing these hymns at other times and in other places that has made them firm favourites.
St. Andrew’s is also very fortunate in having some very good musicians, and Sharon Cooper - who serenades customers in many local bars and restaurants - and Liz West will also be singing solo items during the Service.
Everyone is welcome to go along and have a good sing on the beach.