Northern News Spotlight

Songs of Praise proves to be a major success in Puerto Pollensa


When Vicky Pacey, the Lay Reader in Training with the St. Andrews Anglican Congregation in Puerto Pollensa, welcomed people to the Songs of Praise on the beach on Sunday, she spoke of the beauty of the location. With the bay of Pollensa in the background, the beach at Bar Tamarells proved an ideal location. Holidaymakers joined local residents, with their children and even their dogs, for this celebration. Members of the congregation had chosen favourite hymns, readings and poems, and Liz West and Sharon Cooper delighted people with their solos and a duet.

About 150 people took part in the Songs of Praise on the beach. As the event progressed, more people joined in as they were walking along the seafront. There was  some quality singing from the people on the beach. Three ladies admitted that they were the alto section from a church in the North of England. There were occasions when the congregation were really moved by music, readings and poems. It was a very happy and successful event. 

Events like this don’t just happen, and Vicky Pacey should be thanked for her planning and organisation. As people went off to have a drink or a meal, another group went into action. The Songs of Praise relies on decent sound equipment, and as the beach emptied John, the oldest “roadie” on the island, also known as Cooperman took over, clearing equipment. Events like this rely on so many people. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the Songs of Praise such a success.