Animal welfare

Bullfighting ban moves closer


The alliance of PSOE, Més and Podemos have registered a motion to urge the Balearic parliament to amend the law regarding animal protection and to ban bullfighting.

The three parties anticipate that this will come into effect by the middle of next year, and if it does (which seems almost certain), the Balearics will become the third region of Spain, after the Canaries and Catalonia, to outlaw bullfighting. This will be done despite the central government having declared bullfights to be in the “cultural interest of Spain”

The three parties naturally have the support of the Mallorca Sense Sang (Majorca Without Blood) campaign, which has been driven by AnimaNaturalis and CAS International.

The campaign implied recently that a ban was imminent, but the government explained that the legislative timetable had yet to be decided: it now has been. Carmen Rojas, on behalf of the campaign, said that they would be pushing for the amendment to the law to be effective before the first bullfight of next summer, which is typically that in Muro in June. Apart from Muro, only Palma, Alcudia and Inca continue to stage bullfights (albeit Inca didn’t this summer).