
Palma terrace tax increases could mean the loss of 5,000 jobs


The decision to greatly increase terrace taxes in 37 parts of Palma has provoked an angry reaction from the Majorca Bars, Cafeterias and Restaurants Association, which believes that it will have a harmful effect on more than 5,000 workers. The association's president, Alfonso Robledo, suggests that "many estabiishments might have to close".

The association considers that the tax increases are a "direct attack on the struggle against seasonality and on businesses which keep their establishments open all year". In this regard, the association is accusing the town hall of attacking small businesses and workers. "This increase is an unfair, disproportionate and unjustified measure that has no objective, economic or legal criterion."

As we reported yesterday, the association is looking at the possibility of taking the matter to court. This is based on the fact that the association "does not understand how rates can be increased without a legal and justifiable basis". What are the criteria, Robledo would like to know, for increases between 30.7% and 85.75%. Is it a tax increase "because they think there are more people or because they feel like it"?