
Police witnesses in Palma corruption case being intimated


Local police officers in Palma who are being afforded protection by the anti-corruption prosecutor have reported incidents of alleged intimidation and “sabotage” of homes. One of these witnesses has apparently been threatened and the electricity supply to his home was cut off. The matter is in the hands of the judicial authorities and an investigation is well advanced. Indeed, it is anticipated that arrests will be made in the next coming days. Until now, the secrecy surrounding the investigations into police corruption has been total and subject to a gagging order.

Meanwhile, the “honest cops,” the term given them by one of the investigating judges, have presented the court and the prosecution services with fourteen points that highlight the sense of helplessness that they have felt. The witnesses say that that there has been institutional and union neglect for a long time.

“The persecution to which we have been subjected in all aspects has appeared totally unjust and arbitrary. We are a group of local police officers in Palma who have had to endure these conditions and who have not been able to fulfil our obligations. Unjustified disciplinary proceedings have been applied to us, motivated by subjective interpretations and false allegations. Precautionary measures have included the withdrawal of weapons, removal from units and transfers to others. All of this overseen by political and police officials and by union passivity, with the sole aim of teaching a lesson to those who might have had any intention of reporting irregularities.”

The officers who are assisting the anti-corruption prosecutor applaud the work of the justice service, stressing that it is the only one to have acted with objectivity and independence.

The declaration made by these officers is particularly condemnatory of the unions, accusing them of also acting in an arbitrary fashion. It refers to the self-interests of union delegates, spokespeople and leaders. “Not only have they not defended or protected us, they have also persecuted and accused us, supporting instead those who have been arrested or charged among their many irresponsible actions.”

Point 13 of this statement is the most serious. “We denounce that one of us has recently been a victim of acts of sabotage to his property, resulting in fear and anxiety for his family. We are police officers. What are they doing?”

Finally, the officers are calling on the town hall in Palma to review, “as quickly as possible,” all administrative acts that have “brought us to the situation,” which include a revision of judgements, of investigations made by the local police internal affairs department and “reserved information.”