Fairs and Fiestas

Inca hosts the biggest fair of the year

An estimated 300,000 people flocked to Inca to enjoy the glorious weather and the island’s largest agricultural fair of the year. | E.B.


Inca hosted its annual agricultural fair today, Dijous Bo, and tens of thousands of people descended on the town to enjoy the island’s largest fair of the year.

On Wednesday night, Inca celebrated the eve of Dijous Bo with Dimecres Bo and dancing and partying in the streets into the early hours. At today's main event, this year the emphasis was put on the farmers’ market more than ever, and it had some 250 stalls in the special fair while the whole of the city centre was a maze of stalls selling all kinds of local produce, arts and crafts, clothes, shoes and souvenirs.

The mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, who was today joined by the president of the Balearics, Francina Armengol, officially opened the festivities on Wednesday evening, and council sources said that they had prepared for some 300,000 people to visit the fair.

Extra rail services were laid on to cater for the large number of people wh headed to Inca, while a special security operation was also mounted to ensure the day passed off without any incidents. And, on a perfect sunny day, there were also a host of demonstrations and judging of local animals.