
Palma to lose its “de Mallorca”

The old image looks set to be changed.


It was one of the great controversies when the last Partido Popular administration took over in Palma. It decided to rename Palma, Palma de Mallorca, reversing the decision of the previous administration (socialist and old Unio Mallorquina mix) to just call the city Palma. So now, the new administration will be making another change. Out will go the “de Mallorca” as the official name of the city.

“The recovery of the normality of the toponymy (place name).” This is the explanation for the change made by Neus Truyol, deputy mayor for ecology, agriculture and animal welfare, who says that the issue will be taken to the full council meeting for approval to then send it to the Balearic parliament. “We have been asking for the recovery of the name in recent years.”

Full council will also be considering the undertaking of studies for the modification of building on Can Tapara in Cala Major. “An emblematic, pine-forest area that is very important to the city.” Truyol says that the administration wishes to conserve as much of it as is possible. The town hall has, because of this, suspended all development plans for a year.

The administration has also approved the co-organisation of the Sant Canut fiestas within the framework of those for Sant Sebastià in January. Of the Sant Canut fiestas, Truyol says: “A popular, alternative festival that has been celebrated for 19 years with the direct participation of local people.” The town hall will ensure that there are sanitary measures for fiestas that are “so massive” and will make available facilities to allow them along with necessary permissions and cleaning services.