
Over a third of young Spaniards drive under the influence


Some 36% of Spaniards aged between 16 and 30 have driven under the influence of alcohol, while one in ten have driven having consumed cannabis or cocaine. The majority of these are males of between 25 and 30, whose profile shows them as combining work and study, residing in rural areas and being habitual drivers.

This analysis comes from a report by the Mapfre Foundation and the Foundation for Help against Drug Addiction. It finds that in a six-month period the incidence of driving under the influence had risen, with six out of ten drivers having drunk alcohol and more than 30% having taken pills or smoked dope. As to attitudes, almost 14% of those surveyed believed that alcohol increased the risk of having an accident “only somewhat”, while 17.5% said that their friends considered it normal to drink or take drugs and drive.

These findings show a contrast between actual behaviour and perceptions that the age group has of itself as being responsible and good drivers. The study found that seven out of ten - most of them male - believed that they drove better than others.
One of those responsible for the report, Eusebio Megías, says that they agree in not taking risks when driving and in stressing care and compliance with driving rules. However, in practice “they are not quite so politically correct” and this cannot be put down to a lack of information.