
Palma police on the point of rebelling

Sant Ferran headquarters. | Ultima Hora


Not all is well with Palma's local police force. The ongoing investigations into corruption in specific units are leading to a general perception among the police that the honesty and integrity of the whole force is being drawn into question. There has, therefore, been criticism of the town hall and the prosecution service, and such has been the growing discontent that consideration has been given to publicly demonstrating because of feelings of helplessness and defencelessness that have been aroused.

The town hall's councillor for public safety (and so therefore the police), Angelica Pastor, has had - on two occasions - to convince officers to not go ahead with protests as they might have negative consequences.

One specific occasion where there was a threatened rebellion arose in mid-January when an officer from the motorised patrol unit was detained following an incident with a witness who has been given protection as part of the investigations and which came about because of the issuing of a traffic fine. Following an appearance before a judge, the officer was released.

Meanwhile, the head of police, Antonio Morey, only appointed last September after his predecessor was dismissed, has been attempting to resign. Legally, it is said that he cannot. There has been tension between him and Pastor.