
Greater support demanded for soundproofing near the airport


Palma's Federation of Residents' Associations is demanding that the town hall plays more of a role in the soundproofing of homes in areas near to the airport. Of 1,343 homes identified by the airports authority Aena under the plan for soundproofing, 779 have been given this while eleven are currently in the process of implementation. This leaves 410 which have neither requested soundproofing nor the report that is needed prior to installation. This is being attributed to a lack of information. Joan Forteza, the president of the federation, says that Aena is complying with the plan but is doing so very slowly. He stresses the importance of an owner insisting on the undertaking of soundproofing.

Residents of Coll d'en Rebassa, Can Pastilla and parts of Sant Jordi and Son Ferriol who want Aena to soundproof homes need their properties to be within the acoustic "footprint" of the airport. There also has to be a licence for work prior to the declaration of an environmental impact statement, which draws on measurements that are required to establish the need for soundproofing.

Forteza argues that the town hall and Aena should initiate a campaign to explain the rights that residents have in this regard and facilitate these. "Residents must at present contact Madrid and then send a great deal of paperwork, something that can cause problems for, for instance, the elderly." The federation would like there to be, therefore, an office in Palma which can make things easier and more direct.

Though the town hall has no specific responsibilities - they are Aena's - it is represented on the committee that considers noise levels at the airport. It is, therefore, involved in the issue, says the federation, and should be defending the interests of the city.

Neus Truyol, councillor for the environment, says that the town hall is committed to working in an active fashion and ensuring that residents have an "ally" at the town hall. She points out, though, that meeting the provisions of the soundproofing plan is something for Aena. The town hall can help in applying pressure to comply with the plan but it has been difficult to demand this without there being  a proper noise map for Palma. The development of this was approved at the last council meeting.

Since soundproofing began, Aena has invested 12.17 million euros on the insulation of homes near the airport.