Nóos trial

Urdangarin: 700,000 euros for arranging sports forums

Urdangarin, the husband of Princess Cristina returned to the coutroom for further questioning today. | Cati Cladera


Iñaki Urdangarin, the husband of Princess Cristina, returned to the Palma courtroom today to face further questioning from the prosecution in the "caso Nóos" trial.

Key evidence in the prosecution case relates to invoices raised by the Instituto Nóos for the organisation of sports tourism forums in Palma and Valencia, with Urdangarin and his former business partner, Diego Torres, charged with offences concerning the diversion of public funds from the Balearic and Valencia administrations. The chief prosecutor, Pedro Horrach, asked Urdangarin yesterday about his earnings through Nóos in respect of these forums. Urdangarin said that he received 710,000 euros plus IVA (VAT) in 2004 and 2005. He justified this as having been in line with what a consultant with a qualification from the Esade business school could expect.

Asked about who made his income tax declarations, Urdangarin responded that at Nóos this was the role of his advisors. He said that he didn't know exactly which one. On the running of Nóos, Horrach enquired whether Torres was the manager. Urdangarin said that he did not know and did not remember, which drew its response from the prosecutor who wondered how this could not be remembered. Urdangarin qualified this by adding that Torres "should be" the manager of all the projects.

Echoing what Torres had himself said last week in court, Urdangarin stated that Princess Cristina had no role in Nóos operations and that she was merely a member of the board. The princess was mentioned in connection with the Aizoon company of which she was a 50% shareholder with Urdangarin. This had been set up, said Urdangarin, on the advice of Miguel Tejeiro, who had been the Nóos accountant. Tejeiro was someone, explained Urdangarin, in whom he had faith. He added that Aizoon, on Tejeiro's recommendation, was used to channel the professional earnings that he (Urdangarin) had made through Nóos.

Urdangarin also confirmed that the Royal Household had asked him, Princess Cristina and the princess's secretary from the Royal Household, Carlos García Revenga, to disassociate themselves from Nóos in 2005. This had come about because questions were by now being asked by the then opposition PSOE about the sports forum in Palma in 2005 and the relationship with the Partido Popular government of the time (under Jaume Matas). Urdangarin added that, although he did leave the board of Nóos, he remained active with the organisation.