
Major cuts to traffic envisaged in remodelling of Palma's frontline


Plans for the remodelling of Palma's frontline are gathering pace. The Balearic College of Architects (the professional institute for the islands' architects) has presented its project to the town hall. Contained in this are schemes for pacifying traffic on the Paseo Marítimo, for creating more space for pedestrians and for opening the city up more to the sea. The architects say that a transformation of the coastal frontline will only be possible through a reduction in the volume of traffic, which would mean the creation of a boulevard with moderate traffic levels and reduced speed.

In the Llevant area, specifically that between the Moll Vell and the Palacio de Congresos convention centre, the proposal is for a boulevard with two lanes of three metre width. This would free up more space for pavements and public areas and for green zones. In addition, two buildings by the current Gesa building are envisaged as is an extension of the Parc de la Mar towards the sea to create a form of continuity with Can Pere Antoni.

For Ponent, the idea is to increase to 70% (from 40) the area for pedestrians and terraces. Road surface would, therefore, be reduced to 29%. The cost for the Ponent scheme is estimated at 19.1 million euros, while the calculation for Llevant project gives a cost of 17.8 million.

The deputy mayor, Antoni Noguera, who has responsibility for urban planning and the model of the city, says that the town hall has welcomed the proposal, adding that it could be one to be developed if there is "overwhelming" consensus.