
PSOE presses the case for a federal state


PSOE in the Balearics has expressed its commitment to constitutional reform that will convert Spain into a federal state. This would, the party argues, protect social rights and tackle the current "crisis" regarding some regions of Spain. It would also be something on which PSOE in the Balearics "would have much to say".

On Friday, the party held a conference on federal studies in which constitutional legal experts took part, such as the former president of the Balearics and now a senator, Francesc Antich. It considered the concept of federalism and its implications and so, therefore, a need for constitutional reform.

President Armengol, opening the conference and advancing the case for federalism, said that the country does not currently respond to the needs of citizens in different regions. "We have always said that we are an autonomous community which should have internal federalism based on an understanding that we are four islands and four different peoples with different sentiments. But together we are better, and it is this which we need to explain about Spain."

Armengol added that PSOE has been taking the lead in presenting a solution to territorial problems that is based on a federal state.

The co-ordinator of the group of experts, Gregorio Cámara, put the case for reform that would offer greater protection for social rights and greater democratic quality. In addition, reform would improve links with the European Union through a federal model of equality between the different regions.

The party's secretary for regional policy, Cosme Bonet, said that PSOE has spent years looking to settle disputes over territory through the development of a federal model "which is what Spain needs".