Cala Millor

Restrictions on Cala Millor tourist “vehicles”


Cala Millor falls under two municipalities - those of Sant Llorenç and Son Servera - and the two town halls have come together in looking to make public areas safer, especially for children and the elderly. And they are specifically addressing the use of certain equipment or vehicles, such as four-wheeled cycles and motor scooters, in areas with high numbers of people: the promenade, most obviously.

Following requests from residents and observations regarding the potential risks posed to pedestrians, the town halls are to harmonise the criteria as they apply to these vehicles. There is to be, as a result, new ordinance to regulate their movement in order to bring control to what is described as the "chaos" that has existed for several years.

Motor scooters are to be banned in both municipalities. Son Servera had already adopted this measure, and so now has Sant Llorenç. As Sergio Valbuena, the Son Servera transport councillor, has explained "the spirit of the bylaw is to unify criteria regarding shared areas, as vehicles hired out in Sant Llorenç can be used in Son Servera or vice versa".

The ordinance will, therefore, cover a range of vehicles, with the likes of Segways not being allowed to be used during times when numbers of people on the frontline are at their greatest. The town halls are to meet with businesses in the resort in order to establish routes and times when vehicles can be used. The implication is that there would be restrictions from 7pm in the evening, which is when most tourists are out on the paseo marítimos of both Cala Millor and Cala Bona. There will be exemptions for justified needs and for use by local police.

Opposition parties in both municipalities have criticised the bylaw for being introduced without having firmed up where and when the vehicles can be used.