Fairs and Fiestas

Thousands witness Blood of Christ procession


The Easter processions draw crowds wherever they are staged in Majorca, and one of the largest crowds is typically that for the procession of the Blood of Christ in Palma on the evening of Holy Thursday. Yesterday was no different.

The brotherhoods proceeded in an order which, as usual, has the most venerable in the front. This solemn procession, marked by the carrying of the image of Christ, went from the Plaça Hospital to the Cathedral. It is a procession, one of the most revered in Majorca, that has been staged since 1564.

Today, Majorca will stage numerous other processions and displays of religious "theatre". The "Davallament", the descent from the cross, is one of the most anticipated and will be performed in various towns and villages this evening. Prior to this, there is the enactment of the "Via Crucis", the work of Binissalem writer Llorenç Moya, on the steps of the Cathedral at 12 midday. It is one of the most emotional of all the representations of the Passion. The "Davallament", other than in Palma, is most celebrated in Felanitx and Pollensa in that the tradition in these two towns is one of the longest (Arta is another), with roots in mediaeval times. These both take place from around 9pm this evening.