
Valldemossa will charge some users of its roads


Valldemossa is to charge for the use of its 35 kilometres of road and to also limit this use, a bylaw for the management and preservation of municipal roads having been approved last month.

The aim of this local ordinance is to get those who earn money from the roads to pay for their upkeep. Councillor for the environment, Antoni Colom, explains that permission will need to be sought from the town hall by road users whose activities involve financial gain, might be dangerous and which entail "intense influx". It is, therefore, targeted at excursion operators, though there will be exemption for schools' excursions  and others that do not have any commercial purpose. The measure is due to come in next year, though the tariffs have not yet been determined.

Colom says that those who might oppose the measure should bear in mind that in ten years time there might not be roads, and Valldemossa is following a precedent set in Bunyola. Since 2013 access to the common there has been subject to a charge.

The roads are being classified in three ways: those which are connecting roads with other towns; those for circulating around the municipality; and those non-radial roads that lead to a particular place of interest. Of these, the first will be unaffected. Colom says that "it wouldn't make sense" to restrict access to such roads. The restrictions, as they are being envisaged, would apply either to the whole length of other roads or to sections and would be in force on specific days and at specific times.

With any bylaw come potential sanctions. For anyone who has not obtained the requisite permission or who has parked overnight, there will be a fine of up to 750 euros. More serious will be unauthorised races; these will carry fines of between 751 and 2,500 euros. For the dumping of non-organic waste there will be fines up to 7,500 euros.