Palma continues crackdown on bar and restaurant terraces
Residents of Blanquerna calling for more control of terraces. | Miquel A. Cañellas
Palma17/05/2016 00:00
Palma City Council announced today that is has approved a bylaw which will put a stop to any more bars and restaurants opening terraces in calle Blanquerna. According to the councillor responsible for public service, Aurora Jhardi, the decision was taken by the council in response to the large number of complaints from local residents, retailers and even restaurateurs in the street and surrounding area. Jhardi, it might be recalled, had to back down and hold a referendum on the terraces along the Born avenue, having proposed that they be removed or or at least moved to one side.
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Lennart, you aren´t missing something. They are.
if the numbers in the article are correct, it seems excessive to print 10 000 flyers to reach the 20 bars that do have a terrace without a licence since I assume all the others have their papers in order and know the drill? Or am I missing something?
Almost every resort in Majorca is over-saturated with bars,restaurants and cafes and whereas it could be argued that this keeps prices down,it also keeps the quality down since they are all chasing the same Euro and costs have to be cut to make a profit.