Northern News Spotlight

Ex-mayor slams Puerto Pollensa "improvisation"

New ramps will remove these obstacles, which were highlighted three weeks ago. | Andrew Ede


Tomeu Cifre Ochogovia, the former mayor of Pollensa, has accused the current town hall administration of "total improvisation" in respect of work on adapting Puerto Pollensa's coastal front line road and specifically the provision of ramps for disabled users.  

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Now the spokesperson for Tots per Pollença in opposition, Cifre says that the town hall has paid out 30,000 euros for the ramps that have raised the level of the road and now enable wheelchair users and others to cross the road without there being obstacles created by the high kerbs of the new pavements. He adds that this should have been paid for by the Council of Majorca and argues that the situation has arisen (whereby the town hall has paid out) because it had not made provision for the ramps (or at least in the current initial phase of the pedestrianisation project).

He then went on to criticise the fact that the tourist season had started with roads closed, the smell of tarmac and beaches without sun loungers and parasols. All of this, he maintains, has been an "absurdity" and will lead to tourists not returning. He described the situation in Puerto Pollensa as being one of disorderliness, which has been creating disquiet among hoteliers, businesspeople and residents. In addition to a "poor image" for the resort, it has led to loss of business and so therefore revenue.