
Noise complaints in Palma on the increase

"Tardeo" in Santa Catalina has provoked complaints from market traders among others.


Complaints about noise in Palma have increased by almost 13%. Between 1 January and 15 May the local police received 3,198 calls complaining about noise. Over the same period last year the number was 2,839.

There are slightly more complaints related to bars, restaurants and other establishments than to private property - almost 54% of the total - while areas of the city where the complaints are at their greatest are Joan Miró and the zone for the so-called "tardeo". This means the likes of Sant Magi. The "tardeo", essentially an afternoon tapas and drinking gathering, has led to anti-social behaviour and outbreaks of street drinking, akin to the "botellón". The area where it mainly occurs (at weekends) is one that is being designated as a special intervention zone, meaning that the local police will be getting tough in enforcing city ordinance banning street drinking.

By contrast, in the calle Fábrica, where there were complaints last summer, the number of calls has dropped.

The increase in the level of complaints, it is noted, may have to do with the fact that the same incident can produce numerous calls to the police. In addition, there are authorised events, including those organised by the town hall.

The complaints that the police have received have led to 219 "denuncias" against individuals, to 21 measurements of noise made by the police's Green Patrol and sent to the health department and 34 other actions taken by the police.

Calls made to the police about noise are not, generally speaking, treated as priorities.