
Police back Palma traffic-easing measures

Traffic along Jaume III in Palma may also be cut. | P. Lozano


The town hall having presented its proposals for easing traffic in Palma's old-town centre, there has been some opposition voiced by businesses, but the local police are offering their support and did so at a meeting at the end of May.

The councillor for transport, Joan Ferrer, says that there have been calls for several years for there to be reductions in traffic levels and that the police believe that it would be appropriate to stop cars turning off the Paseo Marítimo into the Antoni Maura avenue. The police also back the proposal to increase by 65% the number of parking spaces in so-called "Acire" areas in the centre (semi-pedestrianised zones).

The town hall wants to implement all this as soon as possible. Residents are invited to submit their comments and can do so up to Wednesday. After this, steps will be taken in line with the proposals, with the cutting of traffic in Antoni Maura due to be the first one.

Ferrer says that the change will not lead to traffic problems in the Avenida Argentina, which would the nearest alternative access to the centre from the Paseo Marítimo for cars belonging to non-residents. This will be part, believes Ferrer, of a redistribution of traffic, not of a complete redirection. He notes that there have already been times when Antoni Maura has been closed (on summer days when the weather is poor and there is a far greater influx of cars). On those occasions even residents have been unable to enter the road; under the new scheme they will be able to.

The councillor concludes that, where parking is concerned, more spaces are not needed. Some 80% of new spaces that have been created are in Acire areas for residents' use.