Animal welfare

Bullfighting ban will wait until after the general election

Enrique Ponce. Taken at the bullfight in Illescas, Toledo. | EFE


Today marked the last full session of the Balearic parliament prior to the 26 June general election. The day's agenda did not include any consideration of the reform to the animal-protection legislation by which a ban on bullfighting is to be established.

This reform, which had been expected by now, is being delayed because of disagreements over the wording of the text. Despite it having been accepted that there was an "error" in the original draft which would have automatically meant a ban on the "jaleo" horse events in Minorca, there are still questions about the revised text. Moreover, PSOE has shifted its position in respect of the Fornalutx "correbou" bull-run, many of its members believing that it should be exempt from the ban. The PSOE position differs, therefore, to that of Més and Podemos.

Although the Podemos leader, Alberto Jarabo, has sought to expedite the processing of the reformed legislation, there has so far been a failure in agreeing the text. Not only was the matter not up for discussion today, the further processing of the legislation has yet to start.

With parliament unable to move ahead with the ban, the bullfight in Muro as part of its summer fiestas will definitely take place this coming weekend, with the next bullfight planned for Alcudia's fiestas towards the end of July. That bullfight, as well as one in Palma (another possibly in Inca), the novices' bullfight in Alcudia in August and the correbou in Fornalutx all now seem destined to take place this year.