
Eleven arrests in latest drugs swoop

National Police officers during Sunday's operation. | Miquel Àngel Llabrés


There has been another major National Police operation against drugs in Palma. On Sunday afternoon one hundred officers took part in raids in Son Banya and Son Gotleu. Eleven people were arrested, one of whom was Isidro Cortés Picazo, the leader of the El Moreno clan and brother of La Paca, i.e. Francisca Cortés, matriarch of one of the city's most notorious drugs clans.

The National Police's drugs and organised crime squad, under the direction of its chief inspector, Antonio Suárez, raided eight properties in all in an operation named Mirlo (Blackbird). The action even included the use of an army bulldozer to dig up land and to pull down certain buildings in the search for drugs and money as well as a National Police TEDAX team - explosives specialists. Quantities of heroin and cocaine were seized as well as cash.

The Blackbird operation, which is the result of several months investigative work by the drugs and organised crime squad, broadened today with further raids well away from Palma in Llubi and Maria de la Salut.