
Guardia smash another drugs' gang

The Guardia raided properties in Manacor. | A. Sepúlveda


There has been another major operation against drugs' trafficking, the third in a week. The Guardia Civil this morning raided seventeen properties and made twelve arrests in Palma, Manacor, Arta, Sant Llorenç and Son Servera. The operation also involved the dismantling of numerous drugs' points of sale as well as the seizure of large amounts of cash and drugs of various types.

Some one hundred officers took part in the operation which started at 6.30 this morning. It was the result of an investigation by the Guardia Civil's criminal police in Manacor into a gang that was trafficking drugs and laundering money in the east of Majorca.

The Guardia stress that as a result of the operation there will be a lessening of social unease and insecurity that had been caused by the number of people going to the sales points and by robberies at nearby addresses.