Might Biel Barceló now regret the timing of the introduction of the tourist tax? | Toni Escobar
Palma24/06/2016 00:00
Might Biel Barceló now regret the timing of the introduction of the tourist tax? | Toni Escobar
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Fred, fat tatooed morons generally have more money available to go on holiday than Mum and Dad with two kids and a large mortgage. Mum and Dad will also have to fork out more for the tourist tax.
Perhaps he should have thought of this before implementing his plans to take their last euros off them !
I personally quite like the idea of less British tourists in Mallorca. If places like Magaluf contract because air fares go up and the pound falls, then great! If I can wander around beautiful Mallorca without seeing so many drunken, shirtless, fat tatooed morons then I truly believe its a good thing for the Island. Its not always about the money, Quality of life counts just as much.