Because of the Antoni Maura restrictions, alternative access will be via the Avenidas or Avenida Argentina. | P.L.
Measures to reduce traffic in Palma's old centre, provisionally announced last month, will begin to take effect from Tuesday, 12 July. From that day, it will no longer be possible to turn off the Paseo Marítimo into the Antoni Maura avenue. Any driver who does faces a ninety euro fine, though there are exceptions: public buses, delivery and emergency vehicles, bikes and motorcycles as well as those with passes for the car parks in Antoni Maura and the Plaça Major and residents with an Acire card. This latter category refers to areas of restricted parking in semi-pedestrianised zones. Even here, however, not everyone can use Antoni Maura. Those with cards for Banc de s'Oli and Missió have to access these zones via the Avenidas. All other traffic will now have to use either the Avenidas or the Avenida Argentina in order to get to the Passeig Mallorca or Jaume III.
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Am I right in thinking that the only entrance to the car park is from the opposite direction? I guess that's the answer but it doesn't sound terribly logical to prevent traffic from one direction and not the other. Meanwhile, the PP opposition is wanting to know which "genius" at the town hall came up with this scheme.
So how are they expecting people to access the underground car park on Antoni Maura?