Although there is general satisfaction with the trend, the main problem for the industry is finding qualified personnel. Dahlberg says that many positions have been created but filling them is another matter. Employees from other sectors need to be retrained.
The majority of businesses have increased their staffing levels because of demand. Indicators of this include a 10% increase in the sale of boats and a 40% rise in business for nautical services.
"There is great demand for repair and maintenance, and many foreign owners choose the Balearics for this as we have the best businesses and professional staff," adds Dahlberg. In contrast to previous summers, dry docks were full in July. This represented, she stresses, a boost to the maintenance sector.
Xisco Massanet, the owner of Enaval, confirms that there has been a rise in demand. His company specialises in electronics, demand for which has come principally from foreign clients in recent years. However, Spanish demand has increased notably this year. Although more personnel have been hired, he agrees that there is an issue with finding employees with the right qualifications.
At Nàutica Toni Socias there is a similar problem. It has recruited more people but has not been able to take on more because there aren't candidates with the professional qualifications.
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In Menorca people are charged 1200 euros per year for a permit to work on boats by the Port Authority ....
They obviously are only concerned with healthy profiteering in the marine industry. There are more than plenty of clever people here, and even more young people who, if these companies were capable of providing training to, could fill these positions.I guess training costs too much. Very short term vision.