
Street prostitution in Palma on the decrease

Some of the street prostitution involves women who have been victims of human trafficking. | Vasil Vasilev


There is less street prostitution in Palma, with only 27% being offered out in the open. This is a finding of the network for direct care for people engaged in prostitution in the city and one presented by Aligi Molina, the deputy mayor for equality, youth and social rights.

Of the rest, 39% is said to be offered in apartments and 34% in clubs, though Molina accepts that this makes it difficult to get accurate data and so understand the level of vulnerability and to provide attention.

The number of people attended to by the network decreased from 2,020 in 2014 to 1,748 last year. Molina attributes this to the fact that people have been returning to their home countries.

A drop in the level of street prostitution is fairly obviously due to a wish to avoid the police, while there is greater security indoors and scheduling of work can be better. Mayte Abargues of Metges del Món (Doctors of the World), one of the partners in the network, adds that the decline in street prostitution also has to do with women being engaged in prostitution who do not want their families to know and who combine with others in order to rent an apartment.

The report concludes that 95% of prostitutes are women, with 3% males and 2% transsexual. Fifty per cent are between the ages of 25 and 34, 29% who are from 35 to 44 and seven per cent below the age of 25. People from Latin American countries account for 35%, and Africans 28%. Between 70 and 75% are in a "regular" situation, i.e. are legally in Spain, and have a health card.