
Mancor without water overnight and for some of the day

Mancor's water problems are not solely due to the drought.


There have been disruptions to water supply in Mancor de la Vall for some weeks and now these have become serious. Since Saturday there has been a restriction leaving the whole village without water from eleven at night until eight in the morning.

The aim of this is to recover a sufficient flow so that the system has pressure for the rest of the day. However, although the upper part of the village is getting its supply restored at 08.00, the lower part has to wait until one in the afternoon. To make matters worse, public buildings, such as the nursery and primary schools and the day centre operate in the mornings and don't have emergency supplies they can draw on, i.e. their own water tanks.

Mayor Guillem Villalonga has issued an apology to residents and says that the water company is working round the clock to deal with the build-up of lime in the network, something that has been compounded by the water shortage. A public meeting involving the town hall and company is currently scheduled to take place on Monday.

Meanwhile, the residents have been voicing their discontent. On Tuesday, following complaints from parents with children at the nursery school about cuts to supply for a period of eleven days - firstly because of a fault and now because of the restriction - the mayor ordered that the supply should be restored to the whole village at eleven in the morning. By five in the afternoon there was supply for all streets with the exception of one. A problem lies with the fact that the reservoir, fed from a well and a spring, isn't supplying enough water for everyone.