
Danny DeVito to open Majorca film festival

Danny DeVito will be talking about his work during the festival. | Archive


The Evolution! Mallorca International Film Festival will be opened at Palma's Teatre Principal by Danny DeVito.

The festival, which starts on 3 November and runs until 12 November, is now in its fifth year. The opening night film will be the Spanish "El destierro" about two soldiers guarding an outpost who discover a Polish woman who is hurt and unconscious. Other films include Mat Whitecross's "Oasis: Supersonic" about the Manchester rock band.

DeVito, who is actively participating in the programming of the festival that is directed by Sandra Seeling, will receive an Evolution Honorary Award in recognition of his cinema career.

The American actor-director will attend several screenings of his work and discuss it with the public.

The films, shorts and full-length, will be shown at venues such as Es Baluard and CineCiutat. For information, visit www.evolutionfilmfestival.com.