
Twelve years for man who cut the throat of his ex-partner

Jaume S. F., sentenced to ten years for murdering his ex-partner. | Alejandro Sepulveda


A 39-year-old man who murdered his former partner by cutting her throat has accepted a prison sentence of ten years for the murder plus two years for trespass. Jaume S.F. told the court in Palma today that he didn't know why he acted in the way that he did and that he has asked himself this question many times since his arrest on 31 July last year.

He had gone to the house of Gemma Vich Ramis in the camino Sant Jordi in Palma in the early morning of that day. He had done so because he wanted to have sex. Having parked his car nearby and not wanting to be seen by her, he passed through various properties before getting to the terrace at the back of the house, knowing that the doors would be open in summer.

He took Gemma by surprise. She had neither expected him nor given him permission to enter. He tried to have sex, and she told him to get out. Her refusal led him to grapple with her and to produce a kitchen knife with which he slashed her throat twice, causing massive bleeding and death.

Prior to the court appearance, he had paid compensation of 100,000 euros to the woman's parents.