
Tourists spent over 10% more up to October

The more tourists there are, the more the overall spend is likely to be. | Joan Torres


According to the latest Egatur survey of tourist spending, foreign tourists who came to the Balearics in the first ten months of the year spent 10.5% more than they did over the same ten months of 2015. The total was 12,751 million euros.

The Balearics had the second highest amount of spend. Catalonia, which receives more tourists than any other region of Spain, recorded 15,407 million. In the Canaries it was 12,347 million and in Andalusia it was 10,168 million.

The spend for the whole of Spain was up 8.4% to 68,929 million euros, meaning that the Balearics accounted for 18.5% of the total. UK tourists spent the most - their spending equated to 21.1% of the national total - while German tourists were second with 14.6%.

In October, the national total was 7,305 million, a rise of 16.3%. The Balearics were responsible for 16.5% of this, slipping to third behind Catalonia (20%) and the Canaries (19.6%). The UK market, with 20%, was again the main contributor.

Where the UK is concerned, the results confirm other reports that the referendum aftermath has had little impact on tourism, despite the fall in value of the pound. The spend statistics do not, however, show the whole tourism picture. With tourist numbers having increased this year, the total spend was bound to have increased. Moreover, and this is a caveat that always needs taking into account, the spend figure (a sizable chunk of it) includes the cost of holidays (packages, accommodation, transport). If these go up, then an upwards adjustment to the overall figure is likely.