Tourists arriving on the day that the tourist tax was implemented. | Archive
Palma02/01/2017 00:00
The regional government is sending out a clear message to anyone looking to defraud it of tax revenues. There is to be a specific department within the tax inspectorate that deals with combating fraud, and a major target of its monitoring will be the payment of tourist tax. The Tax Agency will therefore be ensuring that hoteliers meet their obligations as do owners of holiday rentals.
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Tourist Tax is a rip-off and can't justified at all. It's a con. It was a con last time, and it's a con this time. They know it's a con, we know it's a con, the travel operators know it's a con, the hoteliers and the tourists know it's a con. People don't like being conned and will try to avoid it
Well said Frank. Next we'll be reading that they will be setting up a new heavily-staffed department at the taxpayers expense, so that they can investigate and find themselves innocent.
My suspicions of the Tax, are , How is it accounted ?, How is it spent ?, Will we see accounts ?, I doubt the whole concept of this Tourist Tax. Wll Hotels etc., produce occupation figures, and the amounts of tax collected ?. I doubt the credit ability of this tax, which is wide open to fraud and creative accountancy.
By far the biggest tax fraud has been commited by the Government themselves, by levying VAT on the tourist tax. There is no VAT on tax.
Heaven forbid the government don't get there fair share of illgotten gains