
Bylaw banning single-use plastic bags coming in later this month

There is to be a "transition plan" for eliminating single-use bags. | P. Lozano


Final approval of new Palma ordinance for cleanliness and waste is due to be given at the council session later this month. It will include a ban on glass on beaches and on the distribution of single-use plastic bags. There is to be a "transition plan" for the prohibition of these bags.

Town hall spokesperson Neus Truyol says that the bylaw will facilitate recycling and introduce a prioritisation of waste that will improve substantially the current law. It is being guided by state and European legislation as well as by "society's involvement in recycling and cleaning".

The bylaw also has provision for tougher penalties, with fines increasing to 3,000 euros for serious infringements, and for a prohibition on depositing glass in containers and its collection between ten at night and ten in the morning. This is in order to stop annoyance to residents.

As has previously been reported, fines for infringing rules on waste will rise from between 30 to 300 euros to up to 750 euros for the least serious category, while for the most serious infringements, the range of fines will go up from between 900 and 1,800 euros to 1,500-3,000 euros (such as for dumping a fridge).