Spain's tour operators eased out of Majorca's high summer market
British and other European tour operators have gobbled up places this summer. | Daniel Espinosa
Palma17/01/2017 00:00
Spanish tour operators face difficulties in being able to market places in Majorca's hotels during the high summer. That's because the places have been snapped up by British, German, Swiss and Scandinavian tour operators. Unless the Spanish companies have their own hotels, they are unlikely to find much availability for July and August, though there is less scarcity for other months (April to June and September-October).
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Yet another 'beano' for our illustrious tourism minister and his cronies. We know he doesn't want any more tourists so why try and promote the islands? - Well - he does want tourists but only the really rich ones! If Spanish tourists want to come here - which surpises me, considering the hotelier's prices - simple solution - book early. Just like the Brits have to do to secure their holidays. Does this government want the hoteliers to keep beds free just in case the Spanish want to come?? Anyway if the impending restrictive regulation ever gets through there would have been thousands of fincas and apartments to rent for the Spanish or everybody else, which surely is what everyone wants. Freedom without control!!