A lengthening of the season means that employees with "fijo discontinuo" contracts are going back to work earlier.
Palma23/01/2017 00:00
Economic recovery and a longer tourism season are resulting in an increase in the number of "fijo discontinuo" employment contracts, which are typically associated with the tourism sector. In each month last year except for October, there were more of these contracts than in the corresponding month of 2015, a year during which there were increases for each month with the exception of November.
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The article is talking about tourism though, not Spain as a country. The tourist sector is suffering with very low full-time contracts for employees it states. This unquestionably is a result of the hotels closing for the winters here. It rolls down through the affiliated entities too of course, bars, restaurants, shops, taxis and the airport staff too. But where did it start 6 or 7 years ago, - the hoteliers !
Spain employment contracts protect employees too much. 28 days paid per year worked if you are made redundant is far too high for a country to sustain, a company cannot afford to let staff go, so many now are forced to change there staff annually in order not to be trapped in the future. Also it traps employees into jobs that they are bored with. Not healthy for humans. Who wishes to work in the same industry, the same company for 40 years in 2017 we are not 1950's !!! Spain is the reason it suffers from high unemployment.
Well, once again, blame the hoteliers. It should be clear to all by now that their interests are in conflict with those of our island, so why are we continuing to have to read of their whinging and complaints in these pages. Get tough with them or suffer the consequences.