
Aquifers up to almost two-thirds capacity

Snow is welcome for replenishing Majorca's water reserves.


With all the rain (and snow) that has been falling on Majorca, the aquifers as well as the reservoirs have been filling up. The capacity of aquifers in the Balearics has risen by five per cent since the end of last year to 63% and by 21% compared with a year ago. In Majorca specifically, the improvement over twelve months ago has been by 24%.

The regional government's water resources directorate reported yesterday that all the demand units for water supply in the Balearics are now functioning normally, with the exception of the eastern Llevant unit in Majorca. This, odd though it may sound, is still classified as being in a state of drought pre-alert, but the directorate suggests that this status will be dropped when new data are available. There is always, it points out, a delay between rainfall and the impact on the water table.

The current situation is a marked improvement over a year ago, when five of the eleven units were on drought pre-alert. Nevertheless, the government is stressing that despite the increase in aquifer reserves, it will continue with its current management of water, as it shouldn't be overlooked that until relatively recently the Balearic Islands were suffering drought.