
Palma to reintroduce "bikini law"

Shirts off ok by the beach, but none of this drinking or there'll be a fine. | CLICK


It was tagged the bikini law, and it specifically sought to make it an offence, except on Palma's front lines by beaches, if someone was not wearing a top. The measure was dropped along with various others when there was a legal challenge to sweeping ordinance on behaviour: Palma town hall was obliged to drop this because it was ruled that it had exceeded its powers.

It is now making a return and is part of an amendment to local ordinance which also addresses publicity that incites drinking, drug-taking and sexual activities. The councillor for public safety, Angelica Pastor, says that there is currently no prohibition of this and that the most appropriate way of introducing sanctions is via an amendment of the bylaw covering botellón street drinking. With this, she adds, the police will be able to count on having all the means they need.

Fines will therefore be handed out to those who distribute the publicity, be this, for instance, on posters or t-shirts. Additionally, and similar to Calvia, displays of alcoholic drinks are to be included. The fines would vary according to what is judged to be the impact of publicity. The range will be from 100 to 3,000 euros.

Specific regulation of the botellón will not be amended. Positive results were achieved last year because of the current regulation. There were 1,100 fines, of which 126 were classified as very serious. The botellón is banned throughout Palma, and this prohibition was reinstated last year following the legal challenge to the behaviour ordinance

The new amendment is expected to come into force this summer and will include the bikini law as well as outlawing the likes of bar crawls and "balconing".