The Guardia Civil was notified at eight o'clock yesterday morning of two people with a "Maghrebi appearance" in Portopetro who might have been illegal immigrants. The helicopter and maritime services units plus land patrols responded to this. A small boat of the "patera" type, typically associated with illegal immigrant landings, was found on Ses Covetes beach. A second one was located by Cap de Ses Salines.
The twelve, all Moroccans, were apprehended. They were handed over to the National Police. The Guardia Civil, meanwhile, was continuing a search for other possible illegal immigrants. Within 72 hours, the immigrants will be transferred to a detention centre on the mainland and await deportation.
So far this year, six patera boats have been detected. In 2016, there were three, which was also the case in 2015. The year before, there were two.
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Amazing ! Tom, I am afraid to say, is totally wrong about his evaluation on how the Spanish deal with illegal immigrants ( witness looky looky men and Magaluf ) but he get positive votes and I, not that it worries me, get negative ones. Doesn't anyone read the Spanish newspapers to find out what really happens or do they rely on hearsay ? As I said, amazing.
Here they come out of the woodwork the bleeding heart brigade , your not wrong tom , you go, free medical care, schooling and help towardsr rents courtesy of the local tax payer.The only reason they are shipped off to the mainland is because there are no holding centres here. After about 3 months they then just let them go, especially if they don´t have any documentation on them. Melilla is another case, where violence is used to get in. They are still treated as legals and sent to the mainland to lose themselves. . In Barcelona and particularly in the Basque country an illegal family of immigrants can receive over 5.000 a month plus all the bebefits that come with it. Spain is probably more generous than the UK. We must be mad.
Tom, actually the reality is totally different to what you state. Do a bit of research, best in Spanish if you are able, to find out what a cushy life they have when they get here.
A long time ago, I asked the Authorities to be well prepared, in dealing with Illegal Immigrants from the North African Coastlines. This is welcome news, from the prompt actions of the Guardia and National Police. Well done !.
The Spanish have the perfect attitude to illegal immigrants, the tree hugging dogooders in the uk should take note ? the Spanish have it exactly right 72 hrs and gone NOT give them benefits houses and NHS so they can pay you back with a bomb ! Take note Teresa may this is what we want ,