
Government delegate worried about increased number of immigrant boats

The illegal immigrants have been taken before the courts in Manacor.


Maria Salom, the national government's delegate, has expressed her concern at the increase in the number of boats carrying illegal immigrants to Majorca. At a Mediterranean police conference organised by the Guardia Civil, Salom referred to the three boats which had arrived on Monday. The number of people apprehended by the Guardia Civil and handed over to the National Police has now risen to 28. The three boats in question landed at Ses Covetes, Cap de Ses Salines and Caló de sa Barca Trencada in Santanyi.

Salom observed that the Balearics are not unused to attempts by immigrants to illegally enter in this fashion. To fight this immigration and organised gangs which are behind it, there is the system of exterior surveillance for the coasts and borders. This system has been used to detect various boats that have arrived in Majorca and in Formentera.

The Guardia Civil has assigned a helicopter and boats and vehicles to the Balearic unit for borders and has also created special posts in Formentera and Santanyi. "With all this effort and international cooperation to control this migratory flow, we must be able to put a stop to this situation. We should also not forget the individuals. People are crossing the Mediterranean in inhuman and very dangerous conditions."

The conference is being attended by Guardia Civil chiefs for operations command, for coasts and borders and for the Balearics as well as by representatives from various European and African countries and from Europol, Interpol and Frontex.

In 2013, the Guardia Civil set up the Seahorse Mediterranean project. It established a satellite communications network for connecting African and European countries. The project, noted Salom, is to improve the capabilities of border control and immigration agencies, prevent loss of life at sea and ensure the respect for human rights of illegal immigrants and the right to asylum.