Protest against "tourist colonialism" in Palma
A group calling itself Ciutat per a qui l'habita, no per a qui la visita (Palma is for those who live here, not for those who visit) staged a noisy protest in the city yesterday against "touristification".
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What a short memory these people have. 7-8 years ago there was a crisis here and lots of people did not have a job. This year most peole are going to be working a full 6 months so that improves the economy and growth . These minority of 200 protesters are very selfish. Tourists are paying a tax to look after the environment so stop moaning!!!!!!!
Ill say it again, it was 200 people.......200 IDIOTS. It wasnt 20000 people, it was 200. Read the comments in Ultima Hora, nobody agrees with them, it was 200 people out of 800000.
Mallorcan people make up your minds. Close your island and don't whinge when you lose the popularity you now have. I believe there may have to be a cap on flights but you were very welcoming when we were buying a property and spending lots of money. We are not fools and can easily leave. A few years ago you were worried that there were not enough tourists.
Andrew,given all your negatives,I rather think that my comment is based more in the reality of what the Majorcans now think of tourists,blaming them on all their problems,even the Daily Bulletin now reports on these matters '',tourist saturation'' IS CONSTANTLY sited for being responsible for many of Majorca's problems,one can't help but wonder how they are going to manage when they drive tourists away with their attitude and milking them for every penny they can get out of them.
It's somewhat deranged to protest about the very peoole who provide, directly or indirectly, around 70% of the wealth that supports your daily life. If the tourists ever do stop coming, the same protesters will be back on the streets to petition the government about their drop in living standards.
We've had property here for 27 years. Sadly I've recently started to feel very uncomfortable when out and about, certainly less welcome, and sometimes I've witnessed hostility towards tourists. I and lots of people I know think it's time to move on, sad really that the greed of the islands people will be their downfall, they couldn't build fast enough in the 60s and 70s to take advantage of tourism and now grown rich from it have become so complacent.
Henry James........ there was 200 people at the protest. Its not even worthy of been in the news....... 200 IDIOTS protesting, you want it publishing UK wide to punish 800000 people who live of tourism. What an idiotic exaggerated comment. 200 people mate cmon think about it.
Perhaps their actions should be directed at those Mallorquins who have bought up the properties and get rich through ripping off the tourists. Or, maybe, they should ask themselves what the islanders would live on without tourist income.
This should be in every UK newspaper and T.V.station so that it is clear what so many Majorcans really think of tourists,blaming them for all the Islands problems and perhaps then,many more will go to where they are wanted and made welcome.