Tourist tax

Town halls unanimous in wanting tourist tax revenue

The meeting of mayors to discuss the tourist tax. | Consell de Mallorca


The assembly of Majorca's mayors has unanimously agreed that the regional government should take into account the needs of all town halls when decisions are made on the distribution of tourist tax revenue.

A meeting of the assembly was called for by the Partido Popular and El Pi in order to discuss the issue, which had been withdrawn from the order of the day at the most recent full session of the Council of Majorca. The spokesperson for the PP, Mauricio Rovira, said that it was very important that all the town halls voted in favour of the distribution of tax revenue in a fair and objective manner by the government. If this is the case, then projects presented by town halls will be considered. When the distribution of 2016 revenue was made, no projects that were directly those of town halls received funding.

Rovira was confident that the Council will make the government aware of the mayors' vote in seeking a modification of the rules of the committee which supervises the distribution of the tax revenue. More than one hundred proposals for revenue funding were presented by Balearic town halls. That not one was approved was "shocking and reprehensible", especially when it is the town halls who are the front line in maintaining infrastructure and services for tourism.