
Calvia to order the closure of Magalluf bars involved in prostitution

Police undertook an operation against various establishments on Monday. | Michel's


Calvia town hall has started the procedure of ordering the closure of certain establishments in Magalluf. These are said to be illegally engaged in prostitution, and they were notified of the order on Tuesday night.

For some months, Calvia police and the town hall's activities department (which is responsible for businesses' licences) have been conducting inspections at establishments along Punta Ballena and in the immediate surrounds. These are places with bar and musical entertainment licences but which are said to have been engaged in prostitution. They are therefore in violation of the licences, and the town hall maintains that they have caused considerable disturbance to local order.

Sufficient evidence has been amassed regarding breaches of regulations governing public establishments, and the town hall has named six places that it intends closing: Apple, Bar Kandi, Bar Touch, Jagger's, Opps and Red Rooms. The six now have fifteen days during which time they can present submissions against the order.

The town hall is reiterating the fact that it will not reverse the process of changing the model of Magalluf. It therefore wants to convey a clear message of zero tolerance of "tourism of excesses" that damages the resort and creates nuisance for residents. The town hall is warning that there could be further action of this type against bars.