The security forces say that all the boats come from the port of Dellys in Algeria, where the main activity is fishing. The route is fast and relatively easy. The crossing can take around twenty hours if conditions are right and don't pose risks.
It is believed by the security forces that around three-quarters of those who come to Majorca don't intend to stay here. They plan to move on to the mainland and, in many cases, go on to France. Three Algerians detained after a recent landing were picked up at the port in Palma, where they were buying tickets for the ferry to Barcelona.
One of the fourteen arrested on Sunday is a minor, but this needs confirming. If he is, then he will be put in the care of the Council of Majorca's social services. The others, as usual, will be transferred to a mainland detention centre. On this occasion, it will be one in Barcelona.
The increase in the number of boats is significant. There were two in 2014 and three in both 2015 and 2016. The Guardia Civil's success rate is total. All illegal immigrants attempting to enter Spain via the Balearics are detained. The fact that the Guardia has such success makes these attempts all the more pathetic. The Guardia believes that the sudden and dramatic rise in boats is due to a "promoter" with a new modus operandi. The boats themselves differ from previous ones. They have greater capacity and two engines rather than one.
The illegal immigrants, it would appear, are paying less for the trips than used to be the case, but the promoter is still able to make a decent profit.
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I know this letter as nothing to do with immigration but the last 2 weeks being in Palma Nova I was surprised at these 3 wheel battery scooters being driven very dangerous and an accident waiting to happen and should be banned under the health and safety rules