The stickers carry slogans such as 'Tourism kills Majorca'. Endavant say that the excessive number of hire cars congest the island's road network and contribute to massification and contamination. They add that there will be more stickers in coming weeks as part of a campaign for "sovereignties, rights and self-determination".
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Well, frustration is human, and while hostility is sad and inhospitality shows a disconnect with tradition, everything has its limits and its fracture point. If three well-behaved, friendly people come to stay in your home for a week, everyone benefits. If eight come and some of them are poorly behaved and disrespectful, you might get fed up with them even after a few days. You might begin to say, I never again want more than three people at a time to stay and never more than a few days. And that is your right. The economic argument is valid only up to a point and that point is some way short of the fracture point. It is neither idiotic not dumb for local people to wake up to the realisation, and better late than never, that GDP as a measure of life quality is quite bogus. Economic activity and its product must serve, above all, the needs and wishes of the local community, and despite what some may still believe, others are beginning to think that never-ending economic "growth" is the idiotic and dumb thing to wish and plan for. The Balearic Islands of Mallorca and Ibiza (where I live) have quite clearly overshot the point where "more tourism" means better life quality. What needs to happen now is a controlled de-escalation of the economy to a sustainable and not only tolerable level, but a level consistent with the kind of social and natural environment local people wish to live in. In the meantime I can forgive the admittedly crude expressions of local frustration. Nobody should take it personally.
don't worry you people who don't want tourists, we ,all eight family members wont be coming here anymore, there are better places in England, ie, cornwall, devon, lakes,scotland ect. where we will be welcome. there are a lot of lovely people in Majorca, but there is arise in anti-tourism in some parts so bye.
Without tourism in mallorca, the island will hit a massive recession and will be begging for a bail out every year. Mallorca deal with so much black money are you actually kidding me in thinking they can survive on their own
I have a sticker on my car that says "My other car is a rental car!"
Absolute idiots is the only two words Well a few more choice ones !!!!!
Anything that helps UK residents to holiday at home ihas got to be a good thing - to strengthen even further the UK economy post Brexit and reduce Europe reliance on our cash injection each year.
Mallorca's economy is driven by tourism. Shut down the tourism and the economy will collapse. Much of the island closes in winter due to lack of tourists. It appears that some individuals don't need the income generated via tourism.
Can most of you just relax. It's just stickers for god sake! I actually like Arran, even though I am a regular tourist on Mallorca. Shall we have a beer together, Geoff Guiri? Where are you staying, Magaluff right?
If I catch one of these morons putting a sticker on a car, I will stick it where the beautiful Mallorcan sun will never shine. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Make them clean all these stickers off the cars. That should keep them amused why they are figuring out how to pay the fines!
They are attacking the symptoms not the cause. Poor governance of tourism..the government have no coherent strategy or control mechanisms on numbers of hotel places, hire cars, flights. They can only be bothered to attack holiday rentals ( What a legal mess awaits the first fines to come) and raise the TT. Fines and taxes, income related policies.