
Demonstration against Rajoy in Palma today

Endavant telling Rajoy he's not welcome; makes a change from tourists anyway.


Prime Minister Rajoy is due to be in Palma today for a conference of Partido Popular leaders. He can expect to be greeted by protesters, especially in light of events in Catalonia.

The left-wing independence organisation Endavant put up a couple of banners yesterday, informing Rajoy that he was not welcome, while Arran sprayed some graffiti in support of the Catalonia referendum.

Regional government spokesperson Pilar Costa said that no members of the government will be taking part in the planned demonstration against Rajoy, though other sources suggested that Més ministers may well do.

Costa, meantime, stated that it was regrettable that an opportunity was being lost to discuss the new special economic regime for the Balearics and for President Armengol to press the case for dialogue with regard to Catalonia. A request from the Balearic government for a meeting between Armengol and Rajoy has received no response, and Costa therefore expects that there won't be one.

Opposition to Madrid's stance on Catalonia has been growing in Majorca, and a meeting on Thursday in Palma was called to plan a demonstration in support of the referendum. Represented at the meeting were Més and Podemos and organisations such as the Catalan culture and language promoters, the Obra Cultural Balear.

This demonstration is due to take place on Friday midday next week. The exact details have yet to be set out, but the organisers will be appealing to the whole of Majorca to show its support for Catalonia.