Sustainability the theme of the Night of Tourism
Francina Armengol, Biel Barceló and Baltasar Picornell among those at the Night of Tourism gala. | Jaume Morey
Palma28/09/2017 00:00
Two days after having gathered at the Palacio de Congresos for its official inauguration, some of the protagonists on Monday returned there last night for the Night of Tourism gala. In recognition of the UN's World Tourism Day, this is an annual event, though this one had as its background the spat between Meliá, the hoteliers (who have defended Gabriel Escarrer's remarks on Monday) and the government.
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So the Spanish want to kill the golden goose! Well I guess orange picking must pay well enough, And I hear the olives have had a good year. I guess they have tried tourism for over 50 years, and Would rather have immigrants than tourists. I will be thinking of them, as I relax on the beaches of Greece and Portugal. At least the builders will be busy for a few years knocking down the hotels, and planting more orange trees.
Successive governments talk about the need to drive winter tourism. But short of a plan to tow the entire island further south the fact that its really pretty cold here in Jan & Feb seems to have escaped Barcelos & Armengols notice, perhaps because they are always abroad at Fitur, WTM, and other hotel trade sponsored jollies. Even cyclists prefer warm weather. All inclusive wont be banned as, for all their rhetoric, Mes & Podemos are just as close to the big hotel owners as PP is.
How can they hope to get tourists to come in the winter when they are determined to get rid of us in the summer. Get it into your heads. No matter what season it is you ain’t getting us. You’re to rude and expensive now so Turkey here we come.
Good idea better quality and winter tourism brilliant idea but that's where it ends as reality is reality ! Maybe start with banning all inclusive hotels if they ban apartment rentals so the bars and restaurants at least have a chance of surviving !
Barcelo is a sandwich short of a picnic if he thinks the current infrastucture is adequate to promote winter tourism. Most good winter events get no promotion outside the island - and there's no getting away from the fact that summer sun is the main draw for tourists.
I guarantee the real 'jollies' will come in the winter as they do every year. Trips to the tourist trade fares in Madrid, London, Berlin etc. Mega expense accounts for you know who and his team. After all this talk this summer about getting rid of tourists, you would think they wouldn't want to encourage more to come - but hey a jolly is a great way to spend the tourist tax, and they will have them! After all I'm sure our illustrious vice president can walk on water, so moving summer tourists over to winter shouldn't be a big problem for him.
PS ,sorry to mislead,I thought it was a conference but just realised it was a GALA. No doubt the tourist tax contributed,was it all-inclusive,or did they disperse to spend money in the bars of Palma,like tourists do.
Hey,don't take seriously,it's only words from an all inclusive jolly for the bosses.Are these people effected in any way,don't think so.But,to be on safe side lets have another all-inclusive jolly at the same venue to discuss how they have contributed to the excellent winter season and how can screw the tourists for even more in the summer!
More tourists in the winter brilliant we need them this winter as the rental law has ruined the back end of this season ! Is going to this year ? Next year ? Year after ? These lot are away with the fairies ! Hay government there are other areas on the island that are still not getting enough tourist so send the ones you don't won't our way because we love tourist .
Don't worry,with your doubling of the tourist tax,airport strikes,anti-tourist graffiti and demonstrations,attacks on tourist coaches and blaming all your ills on tourists,you will certainly get your wish for less tourists in the summer,I for one,will never be back and apart from cyclists,who wants to go to Majorca in winter when from November onwards it is likely to be pouring down with rain,freezing cold and maybe snowing and you won't find much of anything open,get real.