
Mainland worker numbers increasing

There are all sorts of seasonal jobs to be had in the Balearics. | .M.


Figures from the Tax Agency show that in 2016 the number of people who came to the Balearics to work from other parts of Spain was 6,723. This was the highest number for eight years: in 2009 there 6,480. Economic crisis led to a decrease in numbers - the lowest was 4,063 in 2011. Despite the rise, it was still some way short of the 9,154 in 2007.

More than half the workers in 2016 came from Andalusia or Catalonia: these regions contributed 3,532. Only the Balearics, Catalonia and Madrid had positive balances in 2016 in terms of workers coming in and going out. Over the years of crisis and before and since, there have always been more workers coming to the Balearics than going to other regions.

The Balearic Islands was the first region to show genuine signs of employment recovery following the years of recession and it has continued to be the national leader in terms of the reduction in unemployment. However, much of this employment has been and remains for work that requires low professional qualifications. This is typical of much of the Balearic services sector, dominated by tourism industry jobs.